By Ethan Blackstock. There is no such thing as a typical day at Sea Scouts as every week is
Before we do anything at Sea Scouts we put up the New Zealand flag.
The bosun starts by saying “flag” then the bosun’s mate comes to the
flag and they put the flag up. The bosun’s mate then stands in front
of the flag then we all do the Scouts salute. After the flag is put up,
we do the inspection. The Scout leaders will come to each watch
(starboard, port, aft, forward and mid) and inspect our clothing,
because you are meant to wear the Scout’s shirt and scarf, black
pants and black shoes. (The leaders of groups at Sea Scouts are
called bosuns and each group is called a watch).
Once the formal stuff is out of the way, we get on with our activity,
such as rowing which is what we did last week. First, the leaders put
us into two groups, and then we hopped onto the boats. We then
had a Coxswain tell us orders such as to put our oars into the
crutches, then we started to row. We all had to row in time to make
sure that we could go as fast as possible. We were out on the water
for about forty minutes.
When we came back in we had to throw a rope to one of our leaders
so they could tie our boat onto the hall. We then all got out of the
boat so that we could put it away in the boat shed. This process
involved someone getting back in the boat so that they could give us
the rope to pull in the boat. We all pulled the rope until some people
could get their hands on the boat and then we pulled the boat in.
Once we got the boat fully in the shed, we took all the stuff out of
the boat. We then repeated that whole process for the other boat.
When we are all back in the hall we take the flag down. Then we
change the watch that is in charge, so that next week we have a new
bosun in charge. Next the bosun says “turn right, dismissed” and we
all go home.
In my opinion Scouts is a great thing to do because you learn new
opportunities such as rowing and sailing. Everyone that does Scouts
enjoys it so I think that you would too, I encourage you and anyone
you know to join Britannia Sea Scouts.
